Move Beyond With Paul

It's Time to unfold a new reality

Are you a seeker, endlessly looking to answer the deeper life questions? Or maybe you're have some life struggles and you think you need to fix something.This seeking or the need to fix yourself will never end because whatever you find never fully satisfies you. There's always something else to fix or something that promises to give you more answers.If you've had enough of this seeking and just want to get on with your life then I can help.Let's move beyond your current state of thinking and endless need to get answers and into a world of ease, flow and peace.

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one" - Albert Einstein

Image of myself, sat on a mountain, looking at an upside down world
Photo of a woman sitting by a like overlooked by mountains

Forever Seeking

End the Search and Start Living

I was a seeker for over 10 years, and after experiencing a neurological event in 2016, I was forced to step back from life and intensify that search. I researched across many subject areas and read many books, ranging from authors like Bruce Lipton, Alan Watts, Michael Newton, David Hawkins and Neville Goddard to Carlos Castenda, Jane Roberts and Robert Monroe and many more.I learnt energy healing - Reiki, Access Bars, Theta Healing, Shamanism, Quantum Touch, EFT and looked into psychic techniques, Rosicrucianism, Chaos Magic and other practices. All these helped expand my awareness, intuition, energetic sensitivity and abilities but never satisfied the questions I had and my never ending state of thinking.I eventually got sick and tired of it, yet was compelled to carry on until I was given the final piece in the puzzle through a conversation.This stopped my search dead. I felt no more need to do anything, no more excessive reading or watching YouTube for the next thing. The 'next' started falling away and instead I started to just enjoy the moment without judgement.If you also want to end the search and start living again, then perhaps it's time to get in touch.

Psychedelic Explorer

Drop the Need for the Next Thing

I had 11 Ayahuasca sessions in Peru, over 30 Bufo Alvarious sessions and numerous others over a few years in the name of getting over the next challenge or in search for some meaning. It was never about the excitement or any highs. There was always a purpose, a need to get more answers or heal some wound. I got some answers, but there was always more that I needed.
It was just a distraction and ultimately I just wanted to be at peace.
I got the awareness of what was going on through a conversation and dropped away from it all.
Now I do the same for others to help them move beyond their current state and into a more calmer, peaceful way of living.

Image depicting the psychedelic imagery from mushrooms
Image depicting the psychedelic imagery from mushrooms

Dealing with Psychosis

Psychosis is just a label

Getting a Human Design report was a blessing for me. The intense thoughts were documented here as one of my challenges.
It gave me a lot of understanding and allowed me to drop a lot of frustration and work with my natural energetic profile, instead of against it, which I'd been taught at school.
There was nothing wrong with me, just awareness that I hadn't received yet. I dropped away from self-judgment, comparing and the struggle.What if it is possible for you to move beyond the thinking and into a state of peace?
Whatever your challenge is, if it's not working or not progressing, then maybe it's time to try something new.
This is not intended as a replacement for whatever help you are receiving but to work alongside it to help you move beyond your current situation as quickly as possible.

Now what?

Consciously Create

For many people, dropping away from the need to do anything is a little challenging.
At the end of the day, we still want to live, communicate and still enjoy life without getting stuck in realities that don't serve us.
I will guide you to be mindful about what you want and use thoughts and language in a way that allows you to not only live harmoniously, but create situations that you want to have. This doesn't mean you have to 'do' and effort, but instead work intentionally to allow your desires to manifest.

Woman standing in a field of flowers

The Session

The session is held in an informal and relaxed way. I'll start by asking for a little background and go from there.This is not about me pushing new beliefs on to you, but rather you naturally letting go with the awareness and guidance that I'll provide.
'Calm', 'peace', 'emptiness' can't fully capture the space you'll be in. This is not a place for logical reasoning - as we'll be moving beyond words and thinking.
Get in touch if you want to learn to move beyond the never ending stories and start seeing life differently.
The session will be done using video conferencing and recorded.

About Me

I'm an introvert, like hiking, mountains and nature in general. I love animals and generally get on with most people due to my peaceful energy. That energy allows me to naturally hold space for people going through various life issues and has been something I've allowed for 30+ years.My own journey over the last fifteen years has been one of questioning everything after experiencing a neurological event and the subsequent fall out of that. Logical reasoning skills, common sense and memories got destroyed. I had to relearn to do the obvious, like making my way through glass doors or how to open them if they didn't have a handle. Shopping, cooking etc all became more of a challenge and I had to hold space for myself while I tried to figure out what I was supposed to do with something.This all rocked my confidence and as a Senior Computer Programmer, was a huge challenge to try to function at a high level. It was stressful and all became meaningless through my questioning of ‘life’. I left my marriage, my work and took off on a journey to try and understand. Eventually I got that understanding and dropped away from the need to seek from a state of missing something. I love the discovery of what this is and will go down the rabbit hole when something resonates.My core energy throughout my adult life is about helping people. This could be practical, physical help, brainstorming or holding space for someone through their challenges. With the latter, I give them tools and awareness about life and guide them to move beyond their current reality and create what they do want.

Ready to move beyond your current reality?

Book Now


The ideas expressed in Paul's meetings, events, videos, and content are for entertainment and general information purposes only. Paul is not a counselor, teacher, doctor or any kind of authority. Any participant's response or reaction to these communications is entirely and only a product of their own interpretation and their own responsibility. Ideas expressed by Paul should not be treated as a substitute for medical advice or professional help. If expert assistance or counseling is needed, the services of a professional should be sought.


Please note that Paul's online meetings will be recorded and that any audio questions may be included in the recording of the meeting.
This may be uploaded to YouTube and other social media platforms including Paul's website
By asking a question you are giving your consent to be included in the video record of the meeting. If you are concerned about your privacy but would like to participate you can keep your video off when you speak or ask a question via chat.

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